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(Photo: R Thomas Consulting - Courtesy photo)

The University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) will honor Gar-Lin Dairy Farms in Eyota, MN as recipients of the 2017 Dairy Appreciation Award.

The award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the dairy industry and for supporting the college’s education and research missions. CVM’s Dairy Production Medicine Group selects the recipient each year by vote.

Gar-Lin Dairy Farm is a multi-generation farm owned by Gary and Linda Allen and their children, Dean Allen and Dana Allen-Tully. The dairy operation has 44 full-time employees and 5 part-time employees.

The dairy consists of 1,950 cows. The herd is 77% Holstein and 27% crossbreds. Crosses include Holstein, Swedish Red and Montebeliarde. It has a rolling herd average of 32,458 pounds of milk, 1,191 pounds of fat and 974 pounds of protein.

Gar-Lin Dairy has had a collaboration with CVM for more than 14 years on faculty research projects as well as providing opportunities for student learning. Currently, Gerard Cramer, DVM DVSc, is working with the farm on a hoof trimming research project. Les Hansen, PhD, of the U’s Animal Science Department has collaborated with Gar-Lin Dairy as been part of a crossbreeding study for nine years.

For many veterinary students at the U of M their experience Gar-Lin Dairy helps provide real world training to prepare for a career in the industry.

Involvement with CVM is also a benefit to Gar-Lin, Dr. Dana Allen- Tully says. “Our association with the vet school means that we’re involved in new discoveries and have the opportunity to learn a better way of doing something as we interact with the faculty and help the students,” she says.

The award will be presented at the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference in Bloomington, MN, April 11 -13.The Minnesota Dairy Health Conference is an annual event for dairy veterinarians, dairy industry professionals, and dairy producers on advancements in the dairy field. Nationally renowned speakers give presentations on the latest developments in dairy production science, health management, and food quality.

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