Gar-Lin Dairy has a rolling herd average of 30,370 pounds of milk, 1,229 pounds of fat and 915 pounds of protein. Milk is loaded directly onto three 6,000 gallon tankers and marketed through Land O’Lakes. We sell about 17,500 gallons of milk per day.
Since the 1971 farm takeover when Gary and Linda Allen started the farming enterprise with 40 cows, the farm continued to grow and in 2006 a new carousel parlor and two free-stall barns were built, along with 400 cows being added to the farm. The now multi-generational family farm now has in excess of 1,850 milking cows with over 1,740 replacements.
Animal care is one of the most important aspects of a dairy farmer's jobs because good cow care leads to high-quality wholesome milk used to make cheese. We produce 153,000 pounds of milk daily at Gar-Lin Dairy or 18,000 gallons for cheese, a source of complete, natural high-quality protein.